Monday, December 8, 2008

Don't talk/text while driving..

In Natasha’s blog, “Don’t Phone and Drive”, she is suggesting that Texas pass a law banning the use of a cell phone (without a hands free device) while driving. She first describes how she used to be a fan of texting while driving and would have to slam on her brakes several times. I think she did well on throwing that comment in there because I am positive I along with countless other people can relate to that same exact situation. Many of us are far too careless on the road the second we hear our phones ring or vibrate. Imagine how many accidents could be prevented if we would just ignore that call from our best friend, or wait to read that text message from our boyfriend or girlfriend until we got home. I completely agree with Natasha, I think if there was law banning the use of talking/texting while driving then many accidents could be prevented and lives could be spared. Hopefully we will see this law in action sometime soon..

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