Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blocking wireless calls in Texas prisons...

Texas officials are planning to test cell phone jamming technology after a prison system lockdown that ended November 12. During this lockdown, officials found a total of 143 smuggled devices all together in Texas prisons. The devices included cell phones, chargers, and SIM cards. Of those 143 devices, 16 of them belonged to inmates on death row. Since the lockdown ended, 5 more cell phones have been found on death row. Due to all of these findings, the test to block all wireless cell phone calls has been proposed for next month on December 18 at the Travis County state jail here in Austin.

Some people think it is not such a great idea. Their argument is that the call blocking would run a risk for affecting some people using cell phones nearby. I on the other hand think the wireless call blocking is a pretty good idea. The people who are there in prison are there for a reason and clearly do not deserve any of privileges or luxuries that they got to enjoy before in their life outside of prison. I am glad that officials are acknowledging that they are of course not going to be able to monitor every single thing that goes in and out of the prison. It is good they are now taking a step to be in control of some of those things that are making it inside. I am looking forward to seeing what the outcome of the test is going to be.

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