Sunday, September 21, 2008

Does Texas Have a Reluctant Prosecutor??

According to the Texas Monthy, Randy Reynolds, Texas' district attorney for the 143rd Judicial District, is being criticized for being "too soft" for a prosecutor. Reynolds is the prosecutor for the rural West Texas counties of Ward, Reeves, and Loving. During Reynold's twelve years as district attorney, peace officers of the 143rd Judicial District have brought hundreds of cases to the district attorney’s office for prosecution. These cases included drug trafficking, theft, assault, robbery, and several other felonies. Of these hundreds of cases, Reynolds has declined to prosecute most of them. Some people say he has done this out of laziness and pure stupidity, while others say he is simply trying to save the county money. Whatever the reason, Reynold’s actions, or lack of actions, have caused some Texans to question whether or not they are in the hands of a good district attorney.This article is well worth your time because it gives a glimpse of how many felons in our state are committing crimes and then walking away unpunished. Click HERE to read more….

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